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“Sandy, we wanna welcome you to the U.S., from outback Australia. What’s that – you’re  giving me a beer? And you’re gonna actually bite the top off that bottle of beer? OhmyGard folks, look at that – this gal is a 100 per cent fair dinkum sheila...did I get that right Sandy? I’m going to the outback....I gotta meet these outback people.....”  David Letterman


“I first interviewed Sandy many years ago when she released her book ‘Laugh Yer Guts Out’.  Take my word for it, that’s what you’ll do when you read what she has to say.  She is, in the Australian vernacular, a classic, and that’s why she more than deserves her place in Great Australians.  She’s the country’s first professional female bush poet and yarn spinner.  And to use her words, she was promoting our culture when people thought we didn’t have one.  So congratulations to Great Australians for recognising the talent and the passion, and congratulations to Sandy for all the enjoyment and the laughs she’s given us.” Alan Jones


“Sandy, when we judged that bush yarnspinners comp together at Brisbane Royal Show, it was one of the most enjoyable, funniest nights of my life. You have the gift to make people laugh, and what’s more important, to make Australians realise how lucky they are, how proud we should be of our great Australians, black and white – you know what I mean and understand that. Good on you mate.” R.M. Williams 


“Your stories of the great characters of the outback, and especially your poem about Aussie slang, “Learning Australian”,  not only made me laugh, but made me wish I was back in Australia. You are a fair dinkum great ambassador for the Aussie outback. I can’t wait to read “Laugh Yer Guts Out!” Michael Parkinson


"Sandy, I have thoroughly enjoyed your stories of Aussie outback characters. Amazing and very funny. You are welcome back on my show any time..." Larry King

"We have enjoyed Sandy's books and when the opportunity arose we arranged for her to be the Dinner M.C. and entertainer at the Cabonne Council Daroo Business Awards, held a couple of years ago. Her wealth of wonderful stories and unique Australian bush humour kept the audience laughing all evening." Sharon and Alf Cantrell, organising committee.  


"Sandy, thankyou for your wonderful wit and for the laughter we all enjoyed at the 2017 Australian Cotton Industry Awards dinner." Sally Knight, convenor. 



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